oh my god.
it is.
so cold.
forrealz,my contacts were so chilly from being in their little water stuff, it was like putting ice into my eyes. D:! D:!
Amsterdam and Essex were great by the way, got some shit stolen and photos lost in Holland, but hey it's probably karma for some crap I pulled way back, so i'm zen with everything again.
Jetlag is a real bitch, I fall asleep at 11, wake up at 2:30, can't sleep till 7:30, then I pass out and wake up at like 10am. it feels like my whole day is gone, and i'm really tiredddd. the difference with Holland/England is 8 to 9 hours, which is shit since it's not like a reversal of your day like 12 hour difference would be, it's just messes you up to half the time when you should sleep your body wants to be awake, and vice versa.
last HP book strikes on saturday, not that i'll be reading it. i'll eventually get around to it, but I just don't have super amounts of time/interest to do it in a quick fashion. year 12 is all about wanting to have this awesome lifestyle, but school is all 'shit, no, can't have you doing that. or at least you CAN do it, but then right after you're going to feel this tasty catholic guilt about it'.
everything becomes something you are doing to procrastinate from contributing to your 'learning'. fuck that, I learn all the time, about everything. amazing things. it's all from SBS, internet and most of all from people. not what you make me sit and do, which sure is pretty interesting, but it also stresses me the hell out, which I don't enjoy, and I don't have the money to get a massage every two days, and i'm short on meditation time.
anyway all this is just a very tired me, catch you up for tunes soon xx
1 comment:
"everything becomes something you are doing to procrastinate from contributing to your 'learning'. fuck that, I learn all the time, about everything. amazing things. it's all from SBS, internet and most of all from people. not what you make me sit and do, which sure is pretty interesting, but it also stresses me the hell out, which I don't enjoy, and I don't have the money to get a massage every two days, and i'm short on meditation time."
i'm going to quote this somewhere, some day.
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