Monday, May 28, 2007


post something here anonymously.

a confession, secret, open letter, something you've thought of saying to somebody, but you're never going to.

say it here.


Anonymous said...

how do I get someone I like to notice me?

Anonymous said...

[are we supposed to answer peoples questions?]
if yes, then i would say just make an effort to talk to them and be really nice to them, and maybe let them know your feelings in a non pressuring way

my own thing ~ i wish my friends could feel comfortable talking to me.

Anonymous said...

whenever I try that i manage to just feel embarassed.. or I get put in the friend zone...

Anonymous said...

not so much a secret, but my injection still hurts a bit!!

what if the muscle in my arm is dying?? like houses leg :(

i'm afraid of what heart disease would feel like...

Anonymous said...

I hope that what I am thinking is not true.

But at the same time when I think about it I get a small scared feeling of excitement.

And if it is not true probably I'll just get into a blue funk about nothing like last time.

I'm just paranoid.

Anonymous said...

I will not write anonymously!
My life will be fallin apart and the reason for attentiveness dont I I find completely in the love and is intoxicated with cherie mon but FUCK I I hate vce and its givin 4 shits and now I will be gonna to the ides I make more than work. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

btw: be open like a book and let said friend read. Fuck the one thing i know as me is that some people never pay attention unless they are bluntly shown. Else if they are a friend dont bother ive seen so many friends come to hate each other but yeah wateva. Cause in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make. (McCartney)

Anonymous said...

posting in russian is bullshit it just translates

Anonymous said...

I think everyone is predisposed to be hot for their cousin, if they're a similar age.

Anonymous said...

haha yeah i used to think my older cousin was kinda good looking.
But that was when i was like 8 or something.
Now I'm just like "ehh...."

Anonymous said...

sometimes, I wish I was sent to boarding school

and the thing i hate most is ppl copying me in a mocking way, its the worst thing to do

Anonymous said...

sorry,I always take without commenting.

too bad, I got better things to do frankly.

Anonymous said...

i hate that i can't think that i'm good enough.
what is "good enough"?

Anonymous said...

i wish i knew what 'good enough' was too.
whenever i start to feel that i am 'good enough' something comes up and BANG, shot down.

Anonymous said...

In regards to the comment left by annonymous.. yes, you know the one i'm talking about?..

I sort of wish I had been sent to a boarding school... but not since the begining of time, just recently, or even now maybe. I suppose it's because life often seems so boring. A change of scenery would get my mind active, in more of a way than just studying 24/7 (like i do that anyway!). Also, as a result of watching movies of kids going to boarding school.. where all sorts of things happen... it just has a certain appeal.

Anonymous said...

doesn't boarding school make girls sleep together? lol

Anonymous said...

Not what I was on about! Besides, boarding school doesn't automatically mean all-girls boarding school. And I should hope not cause if all boarding schools were I wouldn't be able to go. aww.

Just the fact that you have a whole school of people to get to know, makes life more interesting, don't you think? Where as currently, theres no 'new socialising' to be done.

Ahh, well I know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

no I get what you mean! theres' a charm to boarding schools, I think i'd get to know people better if I went to one. I think maybe i'd take advantage of my brain for once.

i'm not even thinking abotu hogwarts, ahaha

Anonymous said...

My life is like dub music. Mostly instrumental with weird stuff coming in and out, voices and leading melodies louder then softer. The bass is strong, but hypnotic.

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of people I wont miss when I leave at the end of this year.

Anonymous said...

you can say that again.

oh, and nice analogy, anonymous 2 before me.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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laur said...

gahhhhhhh I had two abusing me (im not a coward, but these were foul and I wasn't about to leave the personal atack visible, I saw it myself and that was enough :/) and accidentally chopped an actual secret! person please repost and forgive laurenn wahh!

Anonymous said...

whoa wtf who would abuse you? dman thats so not cool :(

Anonymous said...

I am such a bad procrastinator.
Right now, instead of studying for my English SAC which I have tomorrow I am choosing to read the notes for people who do Philosophy (which I dont do) on Sparknotes about books and theories that I know nothing about.

It is kind of interesting though...

Anonymous said...

i'm really fucking up my life by not caring about anything this year, aren't i?

Anonymous said...

oh and also - i was wondering, does anyone actually care?

Anonymous said...

not caring about anything at all?

or not caring about school/uni/future?

If the first one then yes, at the moment you are fucking up your life, find something to care about or you'll lose everything.

If the second one then no, not necessarily.
What you do for a living is not your life. What you do with your life is your life. As long as that it something you enjoy then it's fine. That doesnt mean it has to be something academic, something "smart", something high paid. Do something you enjoy and you'll be a happier person. Be a happier person and you'll attract more friends, you'll enjoy everything you do a little more, your life will feel like it has substance as opposed to just being some sort of shallow striving for what society says we should try to do with our lives.
If you want to go and live under a bridge and paint amazing pictures to sell then go do that. Similarly, if you want to go and be a doctor because you want to then do it and dont let grades or expectations of you hold you back from that.
If you have a real passion for something then you'll do it and live with it and be happy, no matter what situation you are in.

Wah I lost track of what I was saying. Maybe it was relevant, maybe it wasn't.
Anyway yeah. That's what I, anonymous, think.

Anonymous said...

good going anonymous, much agreed yep yep. today I came to thinking okay, i'm not going to get a good study score for a certain subject, now i'm convinced that it REALLY doesn't matter, and i feel a bit of pity and concern for ppl who are omgwtfobsessed...

Anonymous said...

I want to know all there is about you but I feel like there's a wall which you are keeping a lot of stuff behind.
And I dont know how to tell you this because I feel like you'll think I'm being nosy, or maybe I'll bring up bad things or something.
I dont know.

Anonymous said...

i love them but it hurts.

Anonymous said...

I really hate walls. or feeling like wow, I totally like my friend more than they like me..

Anonymous said...

brick walls..
my advice?
i think that you should just go to that person and be honest.. and ask about things. although you may feel you're being nosy, invasive etc. by doing so, if you don't, the other person might get the impression that you don't really care about them all that much. they might think that because you're not asking, you're not caring.
yeah. so talk to them. because no one truly wants to live with brick walls around them all the time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what about if it's a situation where you have sort of already asked and it was just left with no real answers?
Doesnt that imply that they don't want you to know?

Anonymous said...

There are some people who are really bugging the crap out of me at the moment.

Anonymous said...

I would love to poke out someones eyes to know what it feels like but i'd go to jail, and we get raped in the showers there but maybe I deserve it

Anonymous said...

i kind of think that a lot of people silently hate/resent me.

Anonymous said...

i'm gay

Anonymous said...

The more i think about it the more i can't stand to live in a worl devoid of you.

Anonymous said...

it really sucks because i love him
but but but

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mmm i wish there would be times where the other party would be infaituated with me. why is it always one sided?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think about things we do and it seems so stupid. Things we do every day. Routine things and automatic things.

Like waving for instance. Think about it. To greet someone or farewell them we raise our most useful appendage in the air and flap it around. Wth?

Also with some people I have noticed that conversations I have with them are just like we're both there firing our thoughts at each other and responding straight away, going at a million miles an hour and I feel like they're often quite substantial conversations really.

Anonymous said...

i feel so irritated all the time i just want to SCEAM or RUN AWAY ! !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i wish mummy was here to make things all better again...

Anonymous said...

why can't someone just LIKE me!!!!

Anonymous said...

This morning I was angry at everything.
But then I was fixed.

Anonymous said...

im pretty much always angry at everything.
which is probably pretty bad?

Anonymous said...

I am so ready to just LIVE.

Anonymous said...

Today I realised how many people I:
- dont like
- dont respect
- am indifferent to
but I wasnt sad. I just thought about how many of them I won't have to see again in 5 months.

Anonymous said...

I lick the phone If I use it at someones house